Time Management Techniques
In the past year, the majority of workers were shifted to working from home due to Covid. Time management has been a huge problem for many staff as they struggle to balance their work hours and home life. We’ve put together a list of techniques to help you become more productive when working remotely!
Plan Your Day
Planning your day is a great way to become more productive and get lots done. The night before, or first thing in the morning, put together a timetable of how you’re going to spend your day. Take into account meetings, tasks that you want to get done by a certain time. Allocate times for each task as this will help you stay on track.
Set To-do Lists
It may sound pretty basic but to-do lists are the best ways to keep up with tasks and know exactly what you need to do. Set regular to-do lists so you don’t fall behind or forget about a task. This is a great way to keep you organised and on top of your workload.
Dedicate Time For Emails
Reading and responding to emails can be a very time-consuming task. Dedicate some time throughout your day to go through your emails. Set 30 minutes at the start of every day and open all of the important emails. The majority of the time you will receive lots of spam emails so be sure to mark them as spam to help reduce the time you spend going through emails.
Take Regular Breaks
Although it may seem unproductive to take breaks, it’s actually beneficial and will help you perform better throughout the day. You need to have time away from the screen to recharge to ensure you’re not burning out. Go outside to have some fresh air and fuel yourself up for the rest of the day.
Block Distractions
When working from home there are many distractions. Whether you have kids in the room next door, or you’re working in the kitchen or living room. Try and block out all distractions. Set up a dedicated work area where you can zone out of your home life and focus on work. Eliminate all distractions by turning notifications off on your phone. You will find this a much more productive way to get work done without these distractions popping up.
Don’t Multitask
Although you may think you’re being more productive by multi-task, you’re actually not. You’re better off putting all your time into one task than completing the other afterward. It will take you longer to get them both done if you’re doing them all at once.
Use Tools
Take advantage of all available tools online! Use time tracking applications to manage your time efficiently. To-do list tools to enable you to schedule your work. Communication tools to work and communicate efficiently with colleagues such as teams, zoom, slack.
Working from home can be tough as it’s hard to split your work hours with your home life. Be sure to take these useful techniques on board to help you manage your day wisely and be more productive. What techniques do you use to help you work more efficiently?
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