How to Grow Your Business during COVID
A common question which business owners have asked is how to grow your business during the current global pandemic we’re facing. The coronavirus has impacted us drastically and has changed the way we live, work and do business. It’s been an extremely tough time for all of us, however It’s important to find ways to work around the situation and excel within our businesses. With the UK going in and out of lockdown, why don’t you use this time wisely to concentrate on your business, improving on areas and growing?
- Evaluate your business
- Value
- Content creation
- Customer service
- Website
- Upskill staff
Evaluate your business
Before doing anything, it’s important to evaluate your business and how it operates. This will allow you to identify what you’re doing well on, what you can improve on, and open up opportunities which you haven’t considered before. Could your marketing do with overlooking and refreshing? Could your employees be upskilled and be furthered? Are there better ways to operate efficiently as a business? Once you’ve done this you will be able to set aims and objectives you want to achieve as a business.
It’s more important now than ever to show value to your customers! During these tough times, your sales may take a bash as everyone is focusing on their spending. Now’s the time to show value! Do what it takes to show to your audience that you are a valued business. Up your social media, produce quality content, post informative and useful articles, tips to help during these hard times and give discounts to your customer to show you appreciate and value them. Form a sense of community with your customers!
Content Creation
Content is king! You want to ensure that you’re continuously producing high quality content for your business. Re-evaluating your content marketing campaign isn’t always a bad thing. You want to make sure you’re producing educational and engaging content for your audience to really grab their attention and be known as an authority. In addition to this, blogging is a great way to build you profile and draw in more audience to your business. By uploading blogs which are answering your audiences’ question is a great way to build trust and value for your business, as well as improve you SEO rankings.
Customer Service
Customer service is more important now than ever during these unprecedented times. You want to deliver quick and useful services to your customers as soon as it’s needed. Without good customer service, you could lose potential customers. Good service helps your business gain trusts and will result in returning customers. People won’t return to a business if they aren’t happy with their experience. There are many benefits towards good customer service such as increase customer retention, gain loyalty, achieve growth in customer lifetime value, and decrease the cost in customer acquisition.
Your website is everything! It’s your first impression to your audience therefore it needs to be a good one! Your website is like a brochure, it advertises your services or products you’re offering, up to date information on your business, and offers points of contact. 75% of website credibility comes from design. Make sure your website is aesthetically pleasing, works efficiently, fast loading and stands out from your competitors! Websites which load slowing lead to a $2.6 billion revenue loss each year… That’s huge! People hate to wait for information to load on websites, and will quickly leave and look for another site.
Upskill staff
Something that we’ve learnt from the global pandemic we’re facing is that more businesses can work remotely efficiently instead of being in the office. Spend this time focusing and investing in your staff as it will pay off drastically down the line. Identify what skills each staff member needs improving on and implement tasks and offer online courses in order to achieve this. Your aim it to maximise your employee’s potential, make them more productive and allow them to further themselves with in the business.
Don’t let this global pandemic we’re facing demotivate you! Use this time wisely and grow your business! Get creative and think outside the box. Although it’s difficult to see when these hard times will pass, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. By focusing on these crucial elements, you can survive as a business and continue to grow your business. We are here to help you and your business during these unprecedented times, get in contact today for some extra guidance on how to grow as a business.
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